Nursing & Midwifery

Undertake an international clinical placement with fellow students and work hands on with local healthcare providers on a community health placement in rural Asia. Gain valuable primary health care experience and skills whilst being challenged in a culturally diverse environment that will provide growth personally and professionally.  

Along with our partner Universities and in country hosts we have mutually agreed goals of achieving strong learning outcomes and best practice for Australian students and academics whilst working to build the capacity of culturally and linguistically diverse communities and local organisations. Our community service programs provide communities and organisations in Asia with improved access to health care, education and services and our students with practical learning experiences and an international immersion that they would unlikely gain in their undergraduate degree in Australia. 

100% for-credit programs
Approved University provider
Australian clinical supervision and assessment
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About the program

A typical three week program allows single discipline or interprofessional groups to participate on a supervised, credited hours community health placement. Engage in the local primary healthcare system by observing and shadowing local healthcare professionals in a hospital setting and provide a health outreach program to remote communities whilst building the capacity of local staff.

The program is complimented by participative health seminars, language classes and cultural orientation. Students really immerse themselves in the community and create real change in the region by conducting health education sessions in local schools and with community groups. 

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outcomes of this program

Developing soft skills are imperative for graduates to build their skills and enhance employability. More than 4 in 5 Australian students say their short-term international study experience has had a positive impact on their employability, according to this report published by IEAA.

Employability skills

Our placements are designed to place students on sites and in situations where they can meet learning outcomes and develop the following skills to add value to their degree:

  • Cross Cultural Communication Skills
  • Project Management
  • Teamwork and Peer Learning
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Inter-professional Learning
  • Working through Interpreters
  • Time Management
  • Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Resourcefulness

Clinical skills

Throughout our health placements, students develop and enhance specific clinical skills, including but not limited to:

  • Providing Primary Health Care, working with vulnerable populations, community development, cultural safety and understanding of Social Determinants of Health
  • Gaining an understanding of working with families and family assessment
  • Conducting patient interviews with peers and formulating a nursing diagnosis with a supervisor and then presenting findings
  • Delivering health education across the lifespan
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The Laos Primary Health Placement is in rural Northern Laos with a focus on community health outreach via mobile health clinics and health promotion activities, placing student groups in uniquely experiential situations that alleviate poverty, respect indigenous cultures and protect local environments whilst providing opportunities for groups to learn and practice skills in culturally diverse and challenging environments.



The Nepal Nursing Placement collaborates with Fishtail Private Hospital in Pokhara, Fishtail Nursing College, the Lions Club of Nepal and a number of non-governmental organisations and schools. The placement provides nursing students the opportunity to shadow, assist and learn from their Nepali counterparts on hospital wards, in the classroom, in community based organisations and out in the field by running community health outreach activities including school health education workshops.



The Thailand Community Health Placement works in conjunction with Khon Kaen University and Phu Pha Mahn District in North Eastern Thailand to provide students insight into the Thai healthcare system and clinical practice experience in a community setting. This is managed through a series of lectures, study visits, hospital department rotations, accompanying the primary healthcare team on home visits and school health education. Along with clinical practice the group work collaboratively on a variety of community-based experiences and development projects that place groups in uniquely experiential situations that build capacity, advocate for healthy lifestyles and protect local environments. Launching soon: Chiang Rai Community Health Placement



The Vietnam Primary Health Placement in Mai Chau, Northern Vietnam collaborates with remote village communes and with the central health district on a variety of community service programs to advocate for improved access to education, health and other services that many of us take for granted. The program focusses on delivering primary health outreach to culturally and linguistically diverse populations through mobile clinics and health education workshops, placing student groups in uniquely experiential situations that alleviate poverty, respect indigenous cultures and protect local environments whilst providing opportunities for groups to learn and practice skills in culturally rich and challenging environments.


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Each itinerary we create is a bespoke experience tailored to each University’s requirements. Below is a sample of what you can expect to encounter on a Nineteen Degrees program.



Week 1: Arrival, Welcome & Orientation, Introduction to the Local Healthcare System, Health Related Site Visits, Language Classes & Sightseeing


Week 2: Hospital Rounds, Afternoon Health Seminars and Workshops, Mobile Clinics, Health Education Workshops & Daily Debriefs 


Week 3: Continuing Mobile Clinics, Health Education Sessions, Daily Debriefs before travel back to international airport 

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“I went with an open mind and the experience that I gained was beyond anything I expected. ”

- Nursing Student, Vietnam Placement


Frequently Asked Questions


Are your programs designed with credit transfer in mind?

Yes, all our programs are designed in partnership with a University faculty or school according to their requirements and their desired learning outcomes.

Are there limits (min and max participants) to what you can do?

Minimum is 6, maximum ideally is 20 – however this is destination dependant and according to ratios of staff to students (University specific).

I’m a nurse, can I be placed in maternity?

Yes, depending on the hospital sites you visit it may be possible to visit the maternity department. You will also more likely have the opportunity to partake in maternity related activities if you are on an interprofessional placement with midwifery students.

Can this replace one of my University placements?

For most health programs there is a mandatory requirement to complete part of your practical requirements in Australia. It is best to check with your University clinical coordinator.

Why should I be interested in your program(s)?

Our programs provide a unique opportunity for students to increase their professional development, gain clinical experience in a culturally diverse setting as well as improving their cross-cultural communication competencies and project management skills.

Do all of the team speak English?

Yes, all of our team in Australia and in-country partners in Asia speak English.

Which disciplines to you organise programs for?

We tailor programs to a wide range of health disciplines including Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health. Our Community Internship groups take cross-disciplinary teams from a broad range of disciplines including but not limited to arts, business, environment, law, nursing and social work.


Allied health